Discounts, Discounts and more Discounts..
Introducing a loyalty program for our most loyal customers! Joining our loyalty program will give you discounts and exclusive benefits for being our loyal customer. You get access to exclusive discounts and offers that you won't find anywhere else. Join the program now and start reaping the rewards!
We sell the same quality kratom as the competition and maybe better quality, because we regularly test the kratom from our supplier in the Czech Republic and thus maintain a stable quality ( lab tests here ) . To this we add our loyalty program discounts, because we decided to "go the other way".
More and more often, we ask ourselves why we have to pay Google, Facebook and other giants, mostly to the USA, considerable sums. It's bizarre modern day slavery. You can only serve if you pay !
We have decided not to support this and not compete with the competition to see who will pay more for ad clicks. We therefore offer this money to you customers in the form of not only this program.
How does it work?
It's very simple.. With every order we send a discount code with the given discount amount. There are no other conditions or restrictions. If you want to get an immediate 40% discount, add products worth CZK 10,000 to the basket and the amount of CZK 4,000 will be deducted at the checkout. This discount remains with you FOREVER, just like in the first case, when you only get the discount with the 4th purchase.
Velkoobchod kratom prášek
Green BORNEO kratom NANO powder 1 Kg
3 reviewsRegular price 1.290,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
White JONKKONG kratom NANO powder 1 Kg
2 reviewsRegular price 1.290,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Green JONKKONG kratom NANO powder 1 Kg
No reviewsRegular price 1.290,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Green BALI kratom NANO powder 1 Kg
2 reviewsRegular price 1.290,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for
Flavored kratom
Strawberry Flavored Kratom | Flavored Kratom | 1 Kg
1 reviewRegular price 1.990,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Cherry Flavored Kratom | Flavored Kratom | 1 Kg
No reviewsRegular price 1.990,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Apple Flavored Kratom | Flavored Kratom | 1 Kg
No reviewsRegular price 1.990,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Lime/Lemon Flavored Kratom | Flavored Kratom | 1 Kg
No reviewsRegular price 1.990,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for
Kratom tablets
Kratom tablets | GREEN BALI | GREENGURU
No reviewsRegular price 1.999,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Kratom tablets | GREEN BALI | GREENGURU
No reviewsRegular price 1.999,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Kratom tablets | GREEN BALI | GREENGURU
No reviewsRegular price 1.999,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
Kratom tablets | GREEN BALI | GREENGURU
No reviewsRegular price 1.999,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for
Mytriginine extract 45-97% purity
1 reviewRegular price From 1.350,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for -
7-OH / 7-hydroxymitragynine pure extract 90%
No reviewsRegular price From 5.500,00 KčRegular priceUnit price / for